$101,690 raised $95,000

Joyful summer greetings to you from First United Church Refugee Sponsorship Working Group!!

It has been a busy and exciting couple of weeks!! WOW!! The families arrived June 6th!! It was a truly miraculous moment to welcome our 2 wonderful sponsor families, and also witness the reunification with their family who are now thriving Canadian citizens. These 2 incredible families have been very busy with Canadian paperwork, acclimating to this new country and figuring out groceries, banking, tutoring, health needs and more, all while learning a new language!!

Volunteers have been busy helping wherever possible. These amazing families have shown such strength, courage, and determination as they move through the many firsts and unknowns they encounter each day!

Thank you again and God Bless,

Refugee Sponsorship Working Group

We have multiple ways for folks to add their support through donations; please note all donations are tax deductible.

  1. Electronic Funds Transfer – simply direct your etransfer to give.firstunited@sasktel.net and add Refugee Sponsorship in the memo section.
  2. By cheque, made out to First United Church, Refugee Sponsorship in the memo section.  Mailing address:  223 3rd Ave NE, Swift Current, SK, S9H 2G8
  3. Our Chuffed fundraising page: https://chuffed.org/project/refugee-sponsorship-and-family-reunification
  4. Automatic Bank Transfer – Preauthorized Remittance or PAR is a direct debit program that allows you to support sponsorship through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account for the duration of our fundraising

    Members of our new Refugee Sponsorship Working Group tell us why they want to help bring this family together:

 Refugee Sponsorship – Past News