

Prayer shawls are knitted and crocheted with compassion and care. Prayer shawl recipients can be high school graduates, new members to the church, the newly baptized, hospital patients or anyone in need of a warm hug. A prayer shawl is given as a gift to remind the recipient of God’s love and care, and the loving support of our congregation.


Membership classes are open to anyone who is already a member, is considering being a member or is just interested in exploring their faith with other seekers. If you would like to take part in an upcoming class please contact the church office.


Join the Prayer Group at First United, 8:30 a.m. every Thursday in the chapel for a short reading, scripture and prayers for persons with concerns, ill health or “just because”.

Prayer Requests may be left at the church office at 306-773-9353 or with Fran at 306-773-0920.

All are welcome to attend.


If you are willing to offer rides to worship services on Sunday mornings, or to other church events, or if you know of anyone in need of transportation, call the church office at 306-773-9353 and we will seek to make arrangements.


At First United Church, we have a team of volunteers willing to visit members of our congregation in the local hospital.

Cypress Regional Hospital no longer collects and shares pastoral care information with local churches, so you will need to let us know when you have been admitted.  If you would like a visit (or phone call) from the minister or our pastoral care team, please contact the church office.

Also, if you are in hospital in Regina or Saskatoon, please let us know so we can inform the United Church Chaplain in the city.


If you would like a pastoral visit from our minister, please contact the church at 306-773-9353 and leave a confidential message on the minister’s voice mail or send an email.