Reflections on Music & Faith – A Lenten Study
You are invited to join us for a five week Lenten Study
beginning Tuesday, March 11 (2:00-3:30 p.m.).
In this study we will be using the UCC Lenten Devotional, Something Sacred.
This devotional explores how the power of music can deepen our connection to God and form us as disciples of Jesus.
The study will be facilitated by Annette Taylor & Mary Anderson and
will be offered in a hybrid mode (both in-person and on Zoom).
We will provide a PDF copy of the focus passage for each week.
But, for a deeper experience, you may prefer to purchase a book and read the daily reflections
(soft copy $39.22 (with shipping), e-book $7.95 through UCRD).
If eight or more participants request a book, we can do a group order and get a discounted price of around $14.00.
When you register please let the office know if you will need the Zoom link and if you would like to purchase a copy of the book.
Deadline for book orders is Monday, February 24.